Quantcast Vegetarian StarThe Vegan Revolution with Zombies

The Vegan Revolution With Zombies book has a trailer which depicts the brain-dead carnivorous humans taking a saunter through town, looking like a cross between horror flick stars and drunken party goers.

A hilarious peek into the nature of the book about an attempt to make meat from painless animal slaughter, the trailer touches on the concept of freeganism, when someone eats food they normally wouldn’t buy, but accept if given to them or found somewhere still edible. Apparently, it’s not a cool topic, as the freegan victim in the video is shown no mercy even after protesting, “I don’t pay for it, I’m a freegan, man.”

The first four months of sales of Vegan Revolution will benefit Try Vegan PDX, a non-profit outreach group in Portland founded by author David Agranoff, offering resources, support and much needed advice for those interested in going vegan.

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Vegan Revolution With Zombies

Vegan Revolution With Zombies

There’s something odd and unique about how vegans and zombies go together in pop culture.

Moby hypothesized that zombies turn down vegans and head straight for the buffet to eat slower, fatter, meat-eating humans. Tainted meat led to the zombie-like creatures Woody Harrelson ran from in Zombieland. And now, a novel playing on the potential atrocities of genetically modified food, Vegan Revolution With Zombies, turns unsuspecting humans who think they’ve found the solution to cruelty-free meat into brain-dead carnivores.


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