Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Best If Used By Freegans” Film–Only Dumpster Carnivores Get Sick

"Best If Used By Freegans"

"Best If Used By Freegans"

A film made by three journalism students at St. Michael’s College in Vermont about people who search through dumpsters for edible food, Best If Used By Freegans, highlights an important lesson in food and health.

According to BurlingtonFreePress, freegan Emily Rose said that despite conditions surrounding a garbage bin and expired food dates, the only freegans who got sick during their dumpster diving adventures were the ones who didn’t follow the prescribed formula.

A true “freegan” eats only free food that is vegan.

“Only one person we talked to said he got sick when he first started,” Rose said in an e-mail, “but he is the person who eats meat such as burgers or pizza that people have left in a food court. Everyone else we talked to, most of whom are vegetarians or vegan, said they’ve never gotten sick. The food they take is food that looks good. They take fruits or vegetables that are fine to eat, they might just have a dent or have soft spots, but it’s nothing that is going to harm you. They wash all the produce and then cook it, just like you’d do if you got it off a grocery store shelf.”

Poor pathetic carnivore can’t handle the leftovers.

The 50 minute film was created to highlight the amount of waste in the American food system, and some freegans ate…well…better than you might on any given week.

Some items consumed by the freegans included smoothies made from oranges and raspberries and green bean and hummus casserole.

Where is the dumpster they found these items from again?

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One Response to ““Best If Used By Freegans” Film–Only Dumpster Carnivores Get Sick”

  1. Stephen Colbert Mocks Environmentalists, Organic Food (Video) Says:

    […] Freegans–those who eat leftover from the garbage–are not spared as well as the organic food industry. […]