Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Parsons

Is this a face you trust for nutrition advice?

Bob Parons, CEO of the domain hosting company GoDaddy.com, was recently criticized for shooting an elephant (an unarmed one at that) during a trip to Zimbabwe.

Parsons has defended his actions, saying the elephants disturb the farmers’ crops and it was used to feed hungry people.

Wait, there’s more.

Just recently, Parsons told CNN that elephants are a “valuable source of protein.”

We can think of dozens of “valuable sources of protein” that don’t contribute to the extinction of an animal, like beans, nuts, grains, tofu, tempeh, seitan and veggie meats.

Thank  goodness this guy’s not contributing to the USDA food pyramid anytime soon.

via BoingBoing

Photo: ParsonsRep/en.wikipedia

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Wayne Pacelle Announces Humane Society Dropping Go Daddy Domains

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, April 1st, 2011 in Animal Issues, Tech.

Since GoDaddy.com’s CEO Bob Parsons has been seen on tape shooting and killing an elephant, many animal lovers have started transferring their domain names to other hosts.

It’s no surprise the Humane Society of the United States, one of the most active animal welfare organizations in the world, is doing the same.


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If you’re a web entrepreneur and looking for a new domain name, how about dontkilltheelephant.com or gohomegodaddy.com?

Bob Parsons, the CEO of GoDaddy.com, a company for domain and web hosting services, took a vacation in Africa where he shot and killed an elephant.


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