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Mickey Rourke Taking His Balls To India For Spay/Neuter Campaign

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Mickey Rourke and his pet chihuahua Jaws star in PETA's latest billboard campaign in West Hollywood

Mickey Rourke is carrying his balls across continents.

The actor has agreed to represent PETA is a campaign to encourage spaying and neutering pets, “Hall the Balls to Fix Your Dogs,” in India. Billboards with a similar tagline were placed in California last year.

“Rourke was so moved when he learned about the dog and cat overpopulation crisis in India that he jumped at the chance to challenge people to get their animals sterilized,” PETA said in a press release.

According to the animal rights group, India has about 25 million homeless dogs that roam the streets.


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Mickey Rourke and his pet chihuahua Jaws star in PETA's latest billboard campaign in West Hollywood

Mickey Rourke‘s new girlfriend, Russian model and actress Anastasia Makarenko, better not complain about sharing a romantic evening with his Chihuahuas.

Rourke said if it comes between a canine and a woman, it’s a pretty easy decision.

He takes his dogs to dinner with him at restaurants and won’t eat anywhere unless the establishment serves up a doggie bag with his dinner plate.

“We like to go to dinner together,” Mickey told animal rights group People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). “I just like to go out with them to restaurants, to take walks with them.”

According to Chowhound, the state of Florida became the first in the U.S. to enact a law allowing dogs in the indoor areas of restaurants, though many at least allow them in outdoor patio areas.

A good thing, as this may decrease the chances of a pet suffering to death in a hot car on an afternoon when its owner chooses to grab a bite to eat.

“The most important thing about having a dog and loving a dog is keeping the dog its whole natural life,” he added. “It’s not about saying four months later, ‘Oh I met some girl and she’s allergic to it’. No man, you can’t do that. You gotta get rid of the girl. She gonna leave you eventually anyway.”

Canines before cuties, man. It’s the only way to go.

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Mickey Rourke At “Iron Man 2” Premiere Fakes Exotic Skin Lapel

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 in Actors, Fashion.

Iron Man 2 World Premiere

Mickey Rourke attended the premiere of Iron Man 2 this week wearing a three piece brown suit with exotic animal skin looking lapels.

Rest assured, the actor who now seems naked without his dear deceased dog Loki, who was always at his side, says the panels aren’t from real animals.

“(It’s) some kind of crocodile or something,” Rourke said, according to USA Today. “It’s not real, though. I don’t want to hear from the animal activists. I didn’t make it. A guy named David August made it. Sylvester Stallone turned me on to the guy. He’s really a rock and roll dude.”

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The Cinema Society Screening Of The Brothers Bloom

Darren Aronofsky was the director for the The Wrestler, about a former athlete (Mickey Rourke) wishing he were still in his glory days.

Who would think the director for such a tough guy movie has a soft spot for such large animals?

The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus are set to park themselves on Coney Island soon and Aronosky has written a letter to Taconic Investments, the company donating land for the circus, to reconsider that offer.

Aronosky wants Taconic to send the circus packing or at the very least impose some restrictions to ensure animals are mistreated less, that include:

1. Prohibiting the use of electric shock prods and bullhooks on elephants
2. Provide the elephants with soft surfaces to sleep, eat, and walk on at all times when they’re not performing
3. Prohibit the chaining of elephants except during medical care

Read the rest of Aronosky’s letter at peta.org.

Regardless of the natural conditions that can be mimicked, any animal performing in a circus is still not in an ideal habitat. Can animals ever work in this capacity and be healthy? Is there a way to create a healthy circus, where animals can be admired for their beauty and ability to learn?

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