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Photo: Phil Cavali

Leilani Munter is NASCAR’s green star.

A vegetarian with a background in Biology, she’s well aware of the consequences of meat consumption on the environment and is always doing her part to campaign for more eco-friendly lifestyles, such as her campaigns to get renewable fuels into race cars and recycling tubs at every track.

She’s now getting ready to promote Meatless Monday to her fans.

She’s sure to win more over with her Wild Mushroom Risotto, featured in the July/August issue of the Humane Society of the United State’s All Animals magazine.


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Scott Jurek Re-Run Incan Porridge Recipe

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Eat & Run Scott Jurek

We’ve been told too many times by mom and everyone else that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do we ever get any good advice for meal ideas besides the same old vegan pancakes or tofu scramble? (Not that those aren’t  tasty. It’s just that after three months of either breakfast, you might crave a change.)

Long distance running champion Scott Jurek has a favorite porridge recipe he makes using quinoa.

A spin-off of traditional oatmeal, quinoa replaces oats and is stewed in non-dairy almond milk and garnished with both fresh and dried fruit.


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Alexandra Paul

Alexandra Paul isn’t just a hot looking actress who put on a bathing suit to look pretty during her Baywatch years. She’s actually a fierce competitor in real life who plans to swim Florida’s annual Swim Around Key West, a 12.5-mile challenge, this Saturday.

Paul interviewed with The Morning Swim Show and discussed how the race helps her set an example as a vegan.


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Daniel Bryan Talks WWE And Vegan Diet (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Videos.

Daniel Bryan conducted an interview with Peter Rosenberg on the WWE and how it might be overlooking some talented players.

Bryan should know, as he was almost looked over by a promoter who said, “who’s gonna buy somebody that doesn’t even eat meat?”

Bryan “bought” the idea that veganism could cure a lot of his medical problems, including high cholesterol and recurring staph infections.

He has no buyer’s remorse.

Watch the clip below for the full interview.


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Going vegan has many benefits. Health. Energy. Animal welfare. Environmental. And even cutting down on prostitution.

Mike Tyson interview with NBC’s Today discussed more than his upcoming role in the one-man Broadway show Mike Tyson: The Undisputed Truth.

Going vegan helped him lose almost 100 pounds–plus that bad hooker habit he had.


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Scott Jurek Got Good Vegan Advice At McDonald’s

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, June 18th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

Scott Jurek

Who would think you’d find someone preaching the vegan gospel at a place like McDonald’s?

Vegan ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek said he found just that while waiting in line to order chicken sandwiches from the fast food giant.

So who wasn’t all that happy about Happy Meals?


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John Salley Interviews With “The Wine Spectator”

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, June 15th, 2012 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink.

John Salley

John Salley has taken ownership in vegan wine brand The Vegan Vine Wines. He plans to use the opportunity of promoting the family owned and operated brand to educate consumers on animal products used in the process of wine making.

But wining isn’t a new passion for Salley. As The Wine Spectator discovered during an interview, this former NBA player has been interested in the beverage for a little more than a decade.


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John Salley

Basketball legend John Salley has a series of infographics on his blog that illustrate the dangers of meat consumption and benefits of being a vegetarian.

A vegan who personally witnessed how a plant-based diet aids with many medical condition like high cholesterol, Salley has been an active champion for both vegetarianism and animal welfare.

From the above graphic, you’ve seen what a vegetarian diet can do for you. Take a look at some of the images below to learn who eats the most meat and how the risk of disease increases by increased meat consumption.


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