Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Portlandia” Vegan Book Shopping And Best Of 2012 (Video)

Portlandia‘s Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein visited New York City’s independent bookstore Bluestockings with podcaster/comedian Julie Klausner where they had the chance to look and chit chat about a few vegan cookbooks among other works of literature.

January is almost over and it’s hard to believe an entire year has gone by with another round a great vegan books you can find at independent stores, online, secondhand shops and even yard sales.

If vegan book shopping is on your to-do list anytime soon, start with some suggestions from One Green Planet.

For vegan basics, there’s Vegan Cooking for Carnivores: Over 125 Recipes So Tasty You Won’t Miss the Meat by Roberto Martin or Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss by Joel Fuhrman.

There’s something for raw vegans, animal rights education and even a book or two on making vegan cheese.

Watch Fred and Carrie from Portlandia and visit One Green Planet‘s list of best vegan books of 2012.

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