Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres On Joy Kingdom Facebook App For Animals (Video)

Joy Kingdom

Ellen DeGeneres is supporting a new Facebook game that allows users to earn points that go towards animal charities, including Farm Sanctuary, The Humane Society of the United States and The World Wildlife Fund.

Each point or “Joy” earned helps contribute to the many needs each individual organization may have, such as food, shelter, medicine and so forth.

The game sounds like fun because even Ellen’s cat likes to play it. That is, when she can remember the password.

“I’ve always said I like speaking for animals, because they can’t speak for themselves. And now I’m going on Facebook for them, because my cat can never remember her password,” said DeGeneres. “Joy Kingdom is fun, and I’m excited about how many animals we’re going to help.”

Watch the clip below for a sample of how Joy Kingdom works. Don’t be like Ellen’s cat and forget your Facebook password. Visit Joy Kingdom to start helping animals today.

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