Quantcast Vegetarian StarRobin Meade Dr. Oz On Going Vegetarian The Healthy Way (Video)

Robin Meade

Robin Meade, host of HLN’s Morning Express with Robin Meade, and Dr. Oz sat down to discuss how to go vegetarian the right way.

The right way isn’t substituting cheese sandwiches three times a day for burgers. And it’s not always about the veggies.

Dr. Oz suggests watching carbohydrates and incorporating lean, plant-based protein.

“I don’t want you to become a carbotarian,” Oz says.

Meade became a vegetarian because she “grew an adversity to eating meat,” but made the mistake of loading up on carbs and says she ended up gaining weight as a result.

Oz recommends monitoring intake of nutrients that are normally more abundant in animal products like iron and B Vitamins. This can be done either through supplements or fortified foods.

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