Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink And Rick Gervais “Stolen For Fashion” Anti-Fur Ad Wins Award (Video)

“Stolen for Fashion”—Learn More at PETA.org.

An anti-fur ad voiced by singer Pink and actor/comedian Ricky Gervais has won a prestigious award in an advertising competition.

Stolen for Fashion took home the gold medal at the Addy Awards, the largest competition for advertisements.

In the video, the singer and actor play animals who take their skins back from people wearing them as coats and handbags.

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk told WENN, “Visual messages about animal protection, especially when they combine star power and provocative images, have a unique and lasting effect on viewers.”

“We’re delighted to receive an Addy Award in recognition of our work, and we’re grateful to Pink and Ricky Gervais for giving much needed attention to rabbits and alligators who are killed for their skin.”

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