Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker Says Stay Away From SeaWorld In Ad (Video)

Bob Barker Says Stay Away From SeaWorld In Ad (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 8th, 2011 in Animal Issues, TV Hosts, Videos.

Bob Barker is almost 90 years old, but shows no signs of “retiring” from his role of animal activist. His latest campaign is an advertisement urging people to boycott SeaWorld for its practice of keeping dolphins in captivity.

The ad will be aired on telelvision during broadcasts of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune.

“Life in cramped tanks is no prize for orcas and dolphins,” Barker said. “They want to be free with their families in the ocean.”

“Many have died prematurely at SeaWorld after swimming in endless circles and performing dumb tricks day in and day out.”

“Be a winner for animals by avoiding such sad exhibits.”

SeaWorld has never been popular among animal rights groups, and the death of a trainer in 2009 while she was interacting with a killer whale brought a lot of media attention to the way the marine park handles animals. Multiple premature deaths among whales have been documented at three of SeaWorl

Photo: PR Photos

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