Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell On E6 Cattle Investigation (Video)

Jane Velez-Mitchell recently featured a segment on Headline News about the discovery of animal cruelty on the E6 Cattle company farm in Texas.

Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy For Animals, the organization which performed the undercover investigation, is a guest.

“The reality is that this facility had no animal welfare policy or training and there is a complete lack of oversight,” Runkle said.

A manager from E6 has since issued a statement about the incident, saying the employees involved with the cruelty have been terminated and said the acts witnessed by the undercover investigator are not condoned by the company.

The video of the incident, shows workers beating calves with pick axes, burning off their horns without anesthesia and open wounds and severed hoofs on calves that do not receive medical attention.

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