Quantcast Vegetarian StarDairy Cows Bludgeoned With Pick Ax–Your Final Reason To Go Vegan (Video)

No Mercy – Calf Farm Cruelty Exposed from Mercy For Animals on Vimeo.

In what may be its most gruesome discovery yet, Mercy For Animals has uncovered severe abuse of farm animals during an undercover investigation of E6 Cattle company in Texas, which provides calves for the dairy industry.

If any vegetarians are having trouble crossing over to the vegan side, this video may do the trick, as well as make a meat eater rethink their dinner decisions.

The following are a few of the abuses that take place in the video:

  • Workers bludgeoning calves with pick axes several times before the calves go unconscious
  • Calves alive, but severely beaten and injured, thrown onto dead bodies
  • Calves with open sores and severed hooves
  • Burning horns of calves without painkillers (and the accompanying struggle seen and cries heard from the calf)

The quote on the video from livestock specialist who’s worked for more humane conditions in slaughterhouses, Temple Grandin, says it best: “It is obvious that both the management and the employees have no regard for animal welfare.”

One commenter at Treehugger has already been moved, as he wrote:

“Ok, that’s the last straw. I used the excuse that it would be too hard to become vegetarian/vegan for too long. My girlfriend and I are going to make it happen, even if I have to watch this video every day. Don’t worry cows, you didn’t die in vain.”

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