Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef” “Give Me Your Huddled Masses” And Immigrants’ Eating Habits (Video)

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. And hope they do not adopt the typical American diet here which leaves them with diabetes, high cholesterol and heart issues.

A recent Top Chef episode had the cheftestants making a meal with conesssion style food on a ferry during a trip to Ellis Island where they would learn about their own ancestry and make meals which reflected their heritage.

Concession style food usually leaves you begging for fresh, healthy alternatives, and this episode was no different, as the chefs prepared nachos with processed cheese, sandwiches with hot dogs and other processed meat and cheese items available on the boat.

Carla Hall, known for incorporating fresh vegetables and plant proteins in her dishes, was quick to think on her feet while the ferry was moving and made use of a few oranges, tossing them in a salad infused with papaya carrot juice for a dressing. Hall said she was happy to find something fresh to work with, since so many others were using prepared items.

This was a Cinderella story for health, because Hall won the challenge. But it’s not always that way for many who immigrate to America, especially when they adopt traditional American diets high in meat and low in grains, fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition researchers have found that not only do immigrants start eating poorly when they arrive in America, their physical activity drops as well. The more an immigrant was likely to have assimilated into American cultures, such as in their line of work, the poorer the diet was. Younger members of ethnic families were more likely to load up on sugary, salty snacks than were their older relatives, who stuck to traditional foods from their country, which were often healthier.

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