Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Gave Up Fur. Will She Give Up Meat Too?

Martha Stewart Gave Up Fur. Will She Give Up Meat Too?

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 4th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

A blogger at Vegansaurus was lucky enough to snag tickets to Martha Stewart‘s vegan episode.

Martha hosted Twitter’s Biz Stone, Veganist author Kathy Freston and Farm Sanctuary’s president and co-founder Gene Baur for food demonstrations, animal farm discusses and all things vegan.

When asked if she was ready to make the switch to veganism, Martha said she was on her way there, and told a story about how traumatized she was from a beef purchase that left her, not stained for life, but definitely tarnished.

“I didn’t buy it from my regular butcher; I usually buy three pounds of good ground chuck and I took it home—this was from the supermarket—and I rolled it in my hands and my hands were stained red and I vowed I wouldn’t eat beef again… No really, it was horrifying… What the heck do they do to the beef that made my hands red? It shouldn’t do that,” Stewart said.

Stewart also added she doesn’t eat veal and has been slowly making the transition to a more plant-based diet.

Impressive considering this cooking diva is almost 70 years old.

It’s never too late to make changes!

Change for the better isn’t something new to Martha. Several years ago, she gave up wearing fur, recording a PSA against garments containing it. “I used to wear real fur, but, like many others, I had a change of heart when I learned what actually happens to the animals,” Stewart said. “So much violence in the world seems beyond our control, but this is one cruelty we can stop by being informed consumers.”

Photo: PR Photos

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