Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Dan Barber’s Cauliflower Steak With Quinoa

It seems like every major newspaper and magazine is featuring veganism lately.

Newsweek ran an article on vegan CEOs. The Wall Street Journal talked about almond milk. If periodicals with readerships in the millions are talking about veggies regularly, we must be on our way to world where more meals eaten by the majority of people are plant-based.

Recently, WSJ ran an article called “Meet the Meaty Veggies,” where it discusses how popular chefs like Blue Hill’s Dan Barber cook up veggies for herbivores and meat eaters alike.

Barber isn’t too creative about naming some of his vegetarian meals; he simply calls it “steak” but puts a vegetable in its place.

Thankfully, the meal itself is far from bland, tastefully or nutritionally.

The cauliflower steak is served over a bed of quinoa and sauteed zucchini. The sauce for the “steak” consists of a mixture a shallots, leaks, garlic cloves and apples.

The gluten-free, grainy-like quinoa is not only a tasty high-protein staple for a vegetarian diet, it’s also a great source of magnesium and iron.

Interested in having “steak” and potatoes tonight? Grab the recipe for Barber’s Cauliflower Steak and learn how top chefs are putting vegetables on the menu at Wall Street Journal.

Photo: PR Photos

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