Go Daddy CEO Shoots Elephant. NameCheap Will Save Them With Domain Transfer (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 31st, 2011 in Animal Issues, Research + Science, Tech, Videos.
If you’re a web entrepreneur and looking for a new domain name, how about dontkilltheelephant.com or gohomegodaddy.com?
Bob Parsons, the CEO of GoDaddy.com, a company for domain and web hosting services, took a vacation in Africa where he shot and killed an elephant.
A video Parsons posted on his blog showed him firing a few shots at the animal and later, the animal dead.
Parsons has defended his actions, saying elephants often eat and destroy farmers’ crops. He said one such farmer had flagged him down, asking that he shoot the elephant. The elephant was then butchered and eaten by people in a village where poverty is an issue.
“Just because something is deemed legal to do, doesn’t mean it is the wisest thing to do,” said Dr. Grey Stafford, director of conservation at the Wildlife World Zoo in Arizona. Stafford said and suggested people with wealth such as Parsons use it to fight the problem in a non-lethal way. One way to do that is by relocating elephants to other villages.
Treehugger also has several suggestions, including installing machines that mimic the sound of buzzing bees near the crops. Elephants hates bees, and research has found this resulted in 86% fewer crop raids by elephants and 150 less elephants attempting to raid the crops compared to crops with no bee buzzing sounds around them.
Some customers of Go Daddy are angry about the incident and have posted on various online sources threats to discontinue their services.
Namecheap.com is taking advantage of this offer by offering a special domain transfer price of $4.99, $1 of each transer being donated to a charity called “Save The Elephants.”
Photo: Thomas Breuer/Creative Commons
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April 1st, 2011 at 4:51 pm
vegchica.com is a good alternative to godaddy!
April 14th, 2011 at 7:45 am
This is just wrong!
It’s not his choice to take a life of an animal.
I was looking for another Host to switch too and came across HostPapa. They have a similar promotion as the one above, but they will donate $5 to Save the Elephants!
I used the coupon code “elephant” and got 3 months free hosting.
I took my business else where.