Quantcast Vegetarian StarBiz Stone Celebrates Twitter 5th Year With Conan Over Amtrak Vegan Burger Memories (Video)

Biz Stone and his business partner and co-founder of Twitter, Evan Williams, are celebrating five years of saying it in 140 characters.

Stone was recently a guest on Conan O’Brien‘s show when the subject of some of Stone’s past Tweets came up. One of those Tweets was about Stone discovering Amtrak  offered a vegan burger. Stone Tweeted,”Wow, Amtrak serves a vegan burger! Nice.”

“I would not have that burger,” Conan said while laughing.

Well, that’s surely his choice, but we think Conan will miss out on some serious foodie fun!

Amtrak’s menu is already veggie friendly, with selections like the veggie burger and veggie pasta. But to avoid those situations where you may feel tempted to throw the tray in the train conductor’s face, it’s best to order at least 72 hours ahead of departure time.

The Chipotle Black Bean and Corn veggie burger is described as, “A spicy, full flavored veggie burger patty served on a bakery bun with lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickle, potato chips and optional cheddar cheese.”

Here’s a good image for the tastebuds.

Although the veggie burger is optional with cheese, it’s not certain whether or not this particular veggie burger is also inherently vegan. But you can DEFINITELY get a vegan option if you ask and plan ahead.

Travel eco-friendly. Eat eco-friendly. Go Amtrak!

Photo: Mai Le/Creative Commons

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