Quantcast Vegetarian StarMike Tyson On What Should Happen To Michael Vick

Mike Tyson On What Should Happen To Michael Vick

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 25th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports, Videos.

Mike Tyson

Most of the sports world already knows how MLB player Mark Buehrle feels about Michael Vick. If you didn’t hear Buehrle’s comment, it was something along the lines of Vick being the football that gets thrown at the next Eagles game.

During an interview with ESPN, Mike Tyson gave his thoughts on how Vick should be treated.

“Listen, listen. I don’t know why people do what they do. What should we do with Michael Vick?  Really, really: Why don’t we castrate him? Why don’t we do something bad to his children to teach him a lesson? Is that really the answer?”

“Or instead, we can say, “Hey, you’ve been given the wrong signals all these years, and you didn’t realize you were destroying God’s animals.” So we have to change his way of thinking. Not kill him, not assassinate him. We have to kill his way of thinking in that particular area. So yes, we should give him another chance. And so far he’s taken great advantage of it.”

Tyson’s Animal Planet show on racing pigeons, Taking on Tyson, premiers March 6, 2011. Tyson, a vegan, could easily come under the criticism radar from animal welfare advocates as pigeon racing often forces birds to race in adverse weather conditions. They also get sick and require medication.

A video interview with Tyson on the series can be viewed below.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Mike Tyson On What Should Happen To Michael Vick”

  1. AM Says:

    Hm Why do we care about Mike Tyson’s opinion? You know, Mike Tyson the convicted rapist and spouse abuser. I don’t care if he’s vegan or what he has to say about Michael Vick. I honestly don’t think he should be given any attention. Hello? We’re talking RAPE and domestic abuse – the guy is SCUM.