Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell “Addict Nation” Signing And Trailer (Video)

Addict Nation Jane Velez-Mitchell

Vegan host of HLN’s Issues, Jane Velez-Mitchell, will be signing copies of her latest book, Addict Nation: An Intervention for America on Friday, February 4th, 2011 on the second floor of Borders at Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle in Manhattan, NY at 6:00 p.m.

Jane’s previous book, iWant, tackled her own addiction issues and it appears she is extending that dialogue to address the entire country’s.

Addict Nation is a look at American’s addiction to all things pleasurable–food, drugs, sex and tech–but not necessarily good for us, especially in excessive amounts.

America’s obsession with junk food is no secret, but sometimes vegetarians and vegans aren’t automatically exempt from such behavior. Potato chips, soda, and cookies can all be made vegetarian and vegan. And there is some darn good veggie junk food out there. Processed foods are convenient, but should serve as quick substitutes for our busiest days and not make up the majority of our diets.

Watch the trailer for Addict Nation and tell us what veg junk food you think should send yourself or most vegs into food recovery.

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