Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarbara Walters “A Matter Of Life And Death” Heart Special Features Vegan Bill Clinton (Video)

Barbara Walters

On Friday, February 4, 2011 at 10:00 p.m., Barbara Walters will host several well known celebrities who’ve had heart surgery on an ABC special, “A Matter Of Life And Death.”

Walters, a heart surgery patient herself, will feature David Letterman, Robin Williams, Regis Philbin, Charlie Rose and former President Bill Clinton.

Ninety percent of Clinton’s arteries were blocked and he needed quadruple bypass surgery. After recovering, Clinton learned about a study that showed most patients who follow a plant-based diet can reverse their heart damage and decided to give it a try.

Today he still follows that diet and while he’s reached his goal of walking daughter Chelsea down the aisle, he’d like to play with a grandkid or two in the future, which gives him another reason to stay on the course. The clip doesn’t show Clinton talking specifically about the diet, but it’s a good bet he’ll bring it up as a way to illustrate how he’s changed his lifestyle since the surgery.

Walters herself may also soon follow Clinton’s lead. She was rumored to be considering vegetarianism after learning about a cow who escaped from the slaughterhouse.

Photo: PR Photos

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