Quantcast Vegetarian StarMargaret Cho “Cho Dependent” Tour Benefits Marine Mammals In Gulf (Video)

Comedian Margaret Cho is donating a portion of proceeds from her latest tour for her comedy CD Cho Dependent to the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Mississippi. The institute is helping to rescue and rehabilitate animals affected by the Gulf oil spill. Cho’s tour starts August 26th and ends on December 2nd.

Since April 20th, 2010, the IMMS has responded to over 200 dolphins and sea turtles and has rescued more than 30 live sea turtles.

They’ve posted a video on their site, which can be seen below, showing four species of sea turtles enjoying life in the healthy waters as they should. The clip, titled, “Baby Sea Turtle Ballet,” features four baby turtles formerly covered in oil that were saved by IMMS: the Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley, the Green, and the Loggerhead.

To learn more about IMMS, volunteer or make a donation, visit their website.

Photo: PR Photos

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