Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson “All Animals Have The Same Parts” Denied In Montreal

Pamela Anderson "All Animals Have The Same Parts" PETA

Pamela Anderson "All Animals Have The Same Parts" PETA

Pamela Anderson has been banned in her own home country!

When the vegetarian actress requested permission to debut her new PETA ad in the city of Montreal, officials gave her the thumbs down because of the partial nudity. The ad, shown here, reads, All Animals Have The Same Parts. Have a Heart. Go Vegetarian. Anderson’s “parts” are divided into breast, rump, ribs, legs, etc. showing where similar cuts of animal meat comes from.

Anderson will still be able to debut the ad Thursday evening, but it will be without the city’s blessing, as officials say it has hints of sexism in it.

“On one hand we’re working for an organization where we’re getting reminded on a daily basis that we should work in a sexism-free environment and that equality between men and women and the image of women is very important,” said Montreal film commissioner Daniel Bissonnette, who denied the permit.

“On the other hand, it’s not our intention at all to prevent people from going in the public domain and sharing their message.”

“We, as public officials representing a municipal government, cannot endorse this image of Ms. Anderson,” wrote Josee Rochefort, an official in charge of issuing permits with the city’s television and film office.

Safe to say they probably wouldn’t endorse that Tommy and Pammy sex tape either. Man! And you’d think they’d be proud to show off a fellow Canadian who rose to fame.

It’s hard to see what the big deal is. Anderson isn’t wearing much less that what you’d see in a beach (and we all know she can wear a lot less), plus this photo comes with an anatomy lesson.

As PETA’s vice president, Dan Matthews said, the city may be confusing “sexy” with “sexist.”

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2 Responses to “Pamela Anderson “All Animals Have The Same Parts” Denied In Montreal”

  1. mandy Says:

    i guess the government only approves of naked women who generate money for the city.. what a bunch of hypocrites..,,, this is so obviously simply a matter of political ideology rather than morality .. its a joke

  2. Meatless Mouthful–Pamela Anderson On Montreal’s Ban Of New Ad Says:

    […] to unveil her new ad, “All Animals Have the Same Parts,” at a city sanctioned location, claiming it was sexist. Anderson unveiled it instead at a news conference for the Just For Laughs […]