Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Inglourious Basterds” Eli Roth: Report Animal Abuse!



Eli Roth may beat Nazis with baseball bats in Inglourious Basterds, but he would never dream of doing so to anyone in real life-including an animal.

He’s teamed up with PETA to do a PSA, advising people to report abuse on animals.

Sharing your drink with one is completely optional.

“If you know of someone who’s abusing an animal, please tell the police or tell an adult,” Roth said. “People who get away with hurting animals often turn their violence against people, and that’s a cycle we need to break.”

Watch the clip below for a Myspace exclusive PSA.

Eli Roth Interview

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One Response to ““Inglourious Basterds” Eli Roth: Report Animal Abuse!”

  1. Misty Says:

    He is such a cutie!