Quantcast Vegetarian StarZooey Deschanel’s Top Chef Masters Winning Quinoa Pasta Recipe

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So if you tuned into Top Chef Masters this week, you know chef Michael Chiarello won the heart and belly of Zooey Deschanel, as well as the week’s winning dish.

Zooey appeared as a guest who had a lot of dietary restrictions-vegan, gluten-free, and no soy.

Chiarello whipped up a Quinoa Spaghetti with Salsa Verde, Gremolata and Tomatoes.

Here’s a video of Chef Chiarello doing his thing.

If you’re interested in making the pasta dish yourself at home, here’s the recipe.

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2 Responses to “Zooey Deschanel’s Top Chef Masters Winning Quinoa Pasta Recipe”

  1. Celebrity Couples Who Love Tofu And Each Other Says:

    […] vegetarian platter is a little harder than average to create. As the contestants of Top Chef learned, Zooey not only does vegetarian, but needs gluten-free and no soy.  Ben better study up on the […]

  2. Zooey Deschanel Multiple Food Allergies–Do You Share Her Pain? Says:

    […] Deschanel had a lovely quinoa dish cooked up for her on Top Chef Masters, but the singer and kid sis of Emily Deschanel says she […]