Ellen DeGeneres: Cover Girl For Animal Testing?
Written by Vegetarian Star on February 16th, 2009 in Cosmetics And Beauty Products, Not So Vegetarian, TV Hosts.
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi will be honored by the Humane Society next month for their love of animals, so it’s both ironic and disappointing that it’s been brought to our attention that vegan Ellen is the Cover gal for Cover Girl cosmetics, a company that still tests on animals.
Even more ironic, the ads featuring Ellen will debut around the time she is given her award.
Deceiver.com put its ever so sarcastic slant on things:
Proposition 2, eh? I remember that. It was right around the time she signed up to become Cover Girl’s newest spokesmodel, despite the fact the beauty company is the largest that still tests on animals. Die, bunnies!
Ironically those print ads just started appearing in the March issues of all the magazines. Great timing there, HSUS.
We’ve learned before that celebrities don’t always investigate companies before representing them. We’ve also learned that celebrities make decisions that seem to completely contradict other behaviors.
Even Portia called Ellen out on their first date for wearing calfskin leather.
The decision to live ethically is an ongoing process of keeping informed and doing your research. Have you supported a company in the past only to stop after finding out some of their business decisions were against your beliefs?
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May 23rd, 2009 at 11:18 pm
[…] Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi will be honoured by the Human Society next month for their lo… […]
May 25th, 2009 at 1:46 pm
Yeah totally! I was clueless when it came to animal testing until I was 19. I used to buy all kinds of Cover Girl , Neutragena,and Clean and Clear products . It’s insane how many companies test on animals!
October 15th, 2009 at 11:19 am
thats cruel what they do im sure the y wouldnt like anybody doing that them
just because animals cant talk and defend thereselfs im sad
October 15th, 2009 at 11:20 am
November 18th, 2009 at 9:34 am
We are sending letters to the people who do animal testing. this is our SCHOOL project too. TAKE THAT EVIL-DOERS!!
January 26th, 2010 at 3:42 pm
It isn’t only that cosmetics are tested on animals, but there are very few cosmetics that do NOT have animal products/byproducts in them. Avon is one of the few. A response to my recent inquiry:
Hello ***,
I have received your email regarding a number of concerns. My name is John N., and I’m happy to assist you with each one of them. To ensure that all your concerns are covered, I have listed them below:
– Animal testing
– Availability of vegan products
Avon doesn’t test any of its products on animals. The safety of our
consumers is a primary concern at Avon. We’re committed to selling only safe products. We use only safe ingredients in our cosmetics products, and comply with applicable regulations in every country where our products are sold.
Here are some other relevant facts:
– On June 2, 1989, Avon announced a permanent end to all animal testing of our products, including testing done in outside laboratories. We werethe first major cosmetics company in the world to end animal testing.
– Our approach to safety evaluation uses data from in vitro (test
tube/cell culture) or clinical tests (on human volunteers). We also
reference existing animal-testing data. So, the Company doesn’t conduct animal testing on any products or raw ingredients. In addition, we don’t require suppliers of raw ingredients and finished products produced for Avon to conduct animal testing on our behalf.
– Avon will conduct animal testing only when required by law, at the request of government health or medical authorities. This will be done only after having first tried to persuade the requesting authority to accept non-animal test data.
We’ve been at the forefront of the development and implementation of alternative test methods since the 1980s. Our efforts were recognized in 1993 at the World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences: Education, Research and Testing. In 1993, the Company was also
presented with a Recognition Award from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. We received this Award for our commitment and dedication to the principles of the 3 Rs (refinement, reduction, replacement), and the use of alternative tests for safety evaluation.
Additionally, in order to help you with your inquiry regarding vegan
products, I need some additional details. Please write back with the
products that you may be interested in and we will be happy to check if those products are vegan.
I hope I’ve helped you. Please keep an eye on our website. We’re always trying to improve it for you.
John N.
Avon Information Center
Hello ***,
I have received your message regarding the information about the cruelty free policy. My name is Leo R., and I’m happy to help you.
Many of our ingredients are synthetic; many more come from plants, trees, algae, etc. Only a very small percentage of our ingredients come from animals. The materials are obtained without harm to the animal. They include milk protein, lanolin, honey, and beeswax. In other cases, we use food by-products like collagen and elastin.
I hope I’ve helped you. Please keep an eye on our website. We’re always trying to improve it for you.
Leo R.
Avon Information Center
June 8th, 2010 at 9:49 pm
[…] eyes, Portman may receive the same amount of criticism Ellen DeGeneres does for being a spokeperson for Cover Girl, a company that also tests on […]
July 12th, 2010 at 12:32 pm
[…] will never be an end to the discussion as to why vegan Ellen DeGeneres chose to represent Cover Girl, a cosmetics company that still tests on animals. But now there’s another famous face setting […]
July 21st, 2010 at 1:20 pm
I don’t work for covergirl or own any stock, but I know that they are working to rid of animal testing. I love animals and hate it when they are abused in labs for cosmetic purposes.
September 18th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
Actually Covergirl NO LONGER tests on animals. If you go to their website, go to the tab “connect” and view the dropdown box and click “Beauty Consulant faqs” That last question on that page asks, “What is CoverGirl’s policy about research involving animals?” Covergirl replies, “We do not test our cosmetics products on animals.”
December 30th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Actually, the loop-hole here is that, while they do not test the “finished product” of their cosmetics on animals, they do test each individual ingredient. Many large companies do this. Unfortunately, the only way to know you are buying cruelty-free is to consult peta’s online guide.
January 13th, 2011 at 4:11 am
Always look at the parent company. Covergirl is owned by Proctor and Gamble who tests on animals. So even if some of the companies under them “say” they don’t test and you buy their products, you are still giving money towards testing on animals because their parent company profits. Unilever and Colgate/Palmolive are also other parent companies that test. Mayballine says they don’t test but are owned by L’Oreal and they do test. I buy Revlon and Almay makeup because I found on PETAs list that they do not test on animals. (Revlon makes good waterproof eyeliner and liquid under eye conceler and Almay makes good mascara and eyeshadow). Also Blistex and Chapstick test. It’s not just makeup but basically every product in your home tests on animals. I now only buy all my products from companies that do not test on animals. I only buy Greenway dish detergent, bathroom/kitchen cleaners, and laundry detergent since that brand does not test and is safe for the environment. You can buy this brand at Pathmark. Also since most disinfectant products test, I make my own disinfecting formula that is safe for the environment too. Just mix water, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar and use a reusable washcloth. If you want a good makeup remover, use olive oil and rub it over the makeup you want to remove and wipe off with a damp washcloth and then wash your face. The olive oil is also good for your skin. Good soaps to use that do not test is Lucky brand, they also make alot of different tolietries and even hand sanitizer. Treseme makes really great shampoo/conditioner and hair products and they do not test. Some products to avoid are Garnier Fructise, L’Oreal, Febreeze , Lysol, Fantastic, Collgate, Palmolive, Unilever, Proctor and Gamble, Dove, but look online at PETAs list, they have 2 lists for products that do test and products you should buy that don’t test. Always check labels on everything even paper goods and food (because a company that makes soap can make food too). Greenway (doesn’t test) makes delicious yogurt. I hate when companies say they are environmentally safe and are all natural when in fact they test on animals, animals are part of the environment! I say when in doubt either make the products yourself (you can find how to make animal and environmental safe products online) or buy the store brand if necessary until you can look up brands online. I’m not exactly sure if store brands test (cvs, rite aid…). If anyone knows please tell me. Let’s continue to pass on this information so we can stop animal torture and murder!
(mother to 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 turtle, 1 bird, and animal rescuer/activist)
January 13th, 2011 at 4:16 am
An added bonus is that making your own safe products actually saves you money. You can donate that saved money to an animal shelter or animal protection organization. If you have extra, why not give it to a good cause and make a difference in the world instead of buying nonsense products like expensive bags or shoes.
December 5th, 2011 at 4:22 pm
Biggest hypocrite ever. I used to love her, but now, not so much. It’s not because she’s endorsing it. It’s because she’s endorsing it and she’s a supposed animal activist.
January 27th, 2012 at 1:37 pm
when i saw ellen advertising covergirl, i thought that Proctor and Gamble stopped vivisecting; then i thought they may not have been. I hate vivisecting both medically and cosmetically. i will not buy cover girl if they continue to vivisect. Come on, P and G, must u continue the vivisecting this day in age. You are America’s company; be civilized. Do ur employees wonder how it would be if their pets were vivisected on. Unthinkable. You are obviously a company with intelligent workers, therefore, find a way not to vivisect. It can be done if you people really wanted to implement cruelty-free methods. Even a dog? NO animals should be in Proctor and Gamble. If testing laundry detergents, why don’t you have employees bring in their old clothes to test and then give those clothes to the homeless. That is humanity.
August 15th, 2012 at 3:13 pm
Well said! It’s unbelievable how companies can say they don’t test on animals, knowing their parent companies do, or my personal favorite, “Final product not tested on animals”. Give me a break, the parent company either does or doesn’t, don’t twist it! And the celebrities that endorse these products are just as dumb and naive for not looking into it first! It’s such a shame when you like the products and/or the celebrities, but, at least in my case, that changes everything.
September 22nd, 2012 at 5:37 pm
Now so called animal lover and veggie singer “Pink” is cover girls latest “cover girl”…. sell out ??? so sad..
November 12th, 2012 at 4:55 pm
FYI i’m ceratainly not bashing peta, but a couple months ago i gave up on their cruelty free list. I paid for their iphone app and consulted their website list and tgen emailed a few times about it not being up to date and having some companies listed on BOTH their do and do not test pages! They did write me back promptly each time but saud updates were coming soon and that the be nice to bunnies app is run by a third party, not peta. Well, i finally gave up because their info is NOT UP TO DATE! if you want to be SURE you’re staying cruelty free get the FREE leaping bunny app by CCIC (or go on the website.) they really do updste frequently and require certification i believe, from the companies. Please spread the word so we can be SURE we are staying cruelty free and supporting ethical companies!
April 24th, 2013 at 1:33 pm
Thank you, Valerie. Your suggestions are exactly right. While I still support PETA in general, the ONLY animal-test-free list that consumers can be absolutely sure is 100% accurate is LEAPING BUNNY!
Be very careful when researching (Google-ing) ‘cruelty-free’ products and/or companies. Many retailers and animal groups promote their own ‘cruelty-free’ schemes. However, the companies approved by them have often done no more than issue a convincing—and sometimes misleading—policy statement on animal testing.
Leaping Bunny’s certification is unrivaled, as it requires each company to open its processes to independent audit throughout its supply chain, to ensure that it adheres to its animal testing policy and the Standards’ incomparably strict criteria.
An example of Leaping Bunny’s stringency: until recently AVON has been included on numerous ‘cruelty-free’ lists for years (including PETA). However, Leaping Bunny has NEVER certified AVON, due in part to the company’s sales in China – which require ALL products sold to be tested upon animals.
Visit http://leapingbunny.org/ for the USA and Canada,
and http://gocrueltyfree.org/ for international lists.
September 26th, 2013 at 3:45 pm
Ellen DeGeneris – while you are kind and generous with your guests –
You are a huge hypocrite to be doing ads for Cover Girl. You profess to love animals, yet you are advertising for a company that tests individual ingredients (I presume – chemicals?)’on animals. True?
Aren’t you rich enough? Is this really necessary? Can’t you use your fame to make Proctor & Gamble stop their animal cruelty?
August 22nd, 2014 at 11:26 am
She is disgustig!! I can’t stand her! She just cares about money!