Quantcast Vegetarian Starvegetarian musicians (11)

Erykah Badu - Atlanta Concert

“I do holistic healing and health…I grow my own herbs, dry them and bottle them. I’m learning from trial and error as I go along. With my first child I made some mistakes with the holistic stuff. Puma my daughter she’s my second child, they’re both vegan vegetarians, organic babies from birth, natural births at home. I guess I’ve grown into being a vegan vegetarian.”

—-Singer Erykah Badu, in an interview with Delphine Fawundu-Buford.

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Paul McCartney Cooks Mashed Potatoes While Fighting Glovey

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Recipes, Videos.

Celebs at Stella McCartney Fashion Show - Paris

Move over Gordon Ramsay. Paul McCartney has officially scored another point in the Ramsay-McCartney meatoff, showing he can cook too. And amazingly, he used no profanity. Not even during his fight with Glovey.

Watch the video showing Paul McCartney teaching you how to make homemade mashed potatoes his way-from scratch! He advocates using non-hydrogenated margarine because it’s healthier, but says the amount you put in depends on how “naughty,” you want to be.

This recipe is taken from his late wife, Linda’s cookbook. Here’s a link to a couple of other recipes from her book.

This can be veganized as Paul says you can use soymilk in place of regular milk. Pay extra attention at minute 4:00 when Paul gets into a scuffle with his oven glove, Glovey.

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Andre 3000 Benjamin’s Last Meal On Earth: Broccoli

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 30th, 2008 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Costume Institute's Gala - Departures

Andre “3000” Benjamin is almost vegan, having some honey now and then. When he was asked what he would do for his last day on earth, he replied, “I’d probably go for a great meal—some broccoli probably, because I’m a vegetarian.”


Make no mistake about it, we’re a vegetarian website, so we do love our vegetables. But for your last day on earth would you really only want broccoli?

We were thinking maybe some seasoned and marinated tofu with rice and other vegetables in addition to the broccoli. Or a crusted seitan with portobello mushroom sauce. Heck, we’ll even settle for a frozen dinner, if Amy’s is available. But broccoli?

But who are we to judge a man’s last meal on earth. To each his own. It’s probably better for the waiter who has to take his broccoli order anyway. Anything more elaborate than that would not be worth the hassle as Andre wouldn’t tip.

via Celebuzz

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Paul McCartney Says Meat Eaters Causing Global Warming

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, November 29th, 2008 in Environment-Eco-Green, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Paul McCartney 'Friendship First' Concert In Tel Aviv

Paul McCartney has been outspoken on the effects of a vegetarian diet and the planet, advocating people to cut meat from their diet for one day of the week to produce significant environmental improvements. Now he’s teaming up with a scientist who will back up his word even more.

In a letter to The Independent, McCartney and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), write:

“Unfortunately, with higher incomes, societies, even in developing countries, are turning to greater … consumption of animal protein, which reduces the availability of food grains for direct consumption by impoverished human beings.”

“Already 60 per cent of food crop production in North America and western Europe is being diverted for production of meat.”

Both McCartney and the scientist are vegetarians, with Paul being one for 30 years and Dr. Pachauri for eight.

The letter goes on to cite evidence of meat consumption destroying the environment such as a 2006 report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which stated 70% of former forests in the Amazon have been turned over to grazing and livestock now use 30% of the world’s land surface.

via The Independent

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Paul And Linda McCartney’s Macaroni Turkey

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, November 28th, 2008 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Paul And Linda McCartney

We made it through Thanksgiving, one of the major meaty holidays, but now it’s time to start thinking about Christmas.

May we suggest Paul McCartney’s macaroni turkey?

Paul and his late wife Linda became vegetarians in the 70s. One Christmas, Linda was experimenting in the kitchen, trying to come up with a meat-free dinner.

“We had all the trimmings but we needed something to simulate the turkey,” Paul told the British newspaper Daily Express. “So Linda made macaroni cheese. It was good, then she let it stand so it went solid and I was able to slice it. It kind of worked so we called it the macaroni turkey.”

Sounds like a plan.

Nowadays, when Paul and his daughters are together, they enjoy the Vegetarian Roast, one of the products in the Linda McCartney food line.

via Contact Music

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Pat Thetic Says Best Thing About Being Vegan Is Hot Chicks

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 23rd, 2008 in Bands, Male Musicians, Videos.

Pat Thetic of the band Anti-Flag says the best thing about being vegan is the hot chicks who hang with him because of it. No, really. So what if he quickly said he was kidding after making the comment? It’s only a scheme to keep every other guy from snatching his hot chicks. Russell Simmons used yoga to check out hot chicks. With yoga and veganism, you’ll never spend another night dateless again.

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Linda McCartney Food Sales Give Family Reason To Celebrate

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 in Fashion, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Live 8 London - Stage

The late Linda McCartney designed a range of vegetarian frozen meals that remain with her family just as much as her spirit. When the McCartneys are together for a family event, they say they often eat the Vegetarian Roast as a meal.

They have much to celebrate, as according to the Dereham Times, Linda’s food range has experienced a 20% increase in sales every year. In a tough and unpredictable economy, it’s job security for the more than 180 workers in the Hain Frozen Food factory located at Fakenham.

Ironically, it may be the tough economy that’s helping to boost sales, thus providing job security. Meat can be expensive, especially in comparison to the nuts, legumes, and pastas that are available to those eating vegetarian.  Some who give financial advice recommend even meat eaters go vegetarian for one day of the week in order to save money.

An article in Divine Caroline listed 19 of the 20 healthiest foods under $1 as vegetarian, and 17 of them were vegan, including protein rich garbanzo beans, tofu, and nuts!

Do you know of any veg foods/vegetarian combinations of food that are cheap yet tasty?

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“The way that burger ends up on your plate is pretty ugly. That burger may look fine on your plate, but if you go back and look where it came from, it’s disgusting, I think, really.”

—-Brandon Barnes, drummer for band Rise Against. The guys in the all vegetarian band like to stick with the much less disgusting vegan cheese steaks when out on the road.

via Recoil Mag
Photo: Rise Against-Brandon Barnes by greendaii on Flickr

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