Quantcast Vegetarian StarTom Coburn

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Food, the Bad and the Ugly
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Jon Stewart praised the Senate for passing the Food Safety Modernization Act, which gives the United States government more power to protect citizens from foodborne illnesses. In the past, the government relied on companies to voluntarily recall products. Now, it will have the authority to demand them.

Stewart mocks the skeptics who doubt the need for law, such as Glenn Beck, who Stewart says feels the FDA was created to do things like make sure you get milk instead of rat droppings in the carton.

Unfortunately, Beck isn’t the only naysayer. Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma claimed that only 10-20 people die annually from food illnesses (as if that weren’t enough). Ignorance sounds worse when other people hear you and Coburn may have made the biggest fool of himself to end the year.


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Eat your veggies or pay a fine?

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was asked by Senator Tom Coburn is she thought it was constitutional to require people to eat three servings of vegetables and fruits daily to cut health care costs.

“Sounds like a dumb law,” Kagan said. “But I think that the question of whether it’s a dumb law is different from … the question of whether it’s constitutional and I think that courts would be wrong to strike down laws that they think are senseless just because they’re senseless.”

The question was jokingly thrown at Kagan by Coburn, but was alluding to the idea of whether people should be required to purchase health insurance, a measure part of the health care overhaul that’s expected to be challenged nationwide.


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