Quantcast Vegetarian StarElena Kagan Opposed To Mandatory Fruit/Veggie Intake

Eat your veggies or pay a fine?

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was asked by Senator Tom Coburn is she thought it was constitutional to require people to eat three servings of vegetables and fruits daily to cut health care costs.

“Sounds like a dumb law,” Kagan said. “But I think that the question of whether it’s a dumb law is different from … the question of whether it’s constitutional and I think that courts would be wrong to strike down laws that they think are senseless just because they’re senseless.”

The question was jokingly thrown at Kagan by Coburn, but was alluding to the idea of whether people should be required to purchase health insurance, a measure part of the health care overhaul that’s expected to be challenged nationwide.

Plenty of produce is a great choice Americans have available, but instead of forcing a lifestyle upon someone, why not reward for a behavior instead?

Vegetarians have been shown to have less incidence of food related diseases like diabetes and heart disease. And now one study says they’re always in better moods, so mental health benefits may also come with the seitan plan.

Whether or not Americans should be forced to buy health insurance is still debatable, but given the overwhelming evidence that a vegetarian diet will lower health care costs, politicians and policy makers alike should demand what PETA asked Blue Cross: give vegetarians a premium discount!

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