Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook”–Mr. Sausage Meets Meatless Monday (Video)

Kim O’Donnel, blogger at TrueSlant.com, who has written for the Huffington Post, Washington Post and Real Simple, has written a cookbook, The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes Carnivores Will Devour.

The book is meant to serve as an aide for those interested in implementing Meatless Mondays, as it contains 52 recipes which may be prepared over the course of an entire year to gradually acquaint the carnivore with vegetarian cuisine.

O’Donnel recently released a video about the book, where she asks, “Do you have a Mr. Sausage in your life? Or maybe you’re Mr. Sausage. Mr. Sausage is that person who cannot imagine not eating some kind of meat.”

Mr. Sausage, meet the Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook. We’re sure this is a relationship that will last longer than those hotdogs infused with preserving nitrates.

The cookbook is scheduled for release from Da Capo Lifelong Books in September.

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