Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Bolton (2)

Both singers are due for some vegan birthday cake this month. Both can belt out a soulful tune. So between Michael Bolton and Erykah Badu, who would you rather do…

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Michael Bolton was seen having dinner with his band and crew at Positano Coast restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unlike some tabloids have incorrectly printed, we can assure you he wasn’t eating lobster.

Bolton had frisee salad, eggplant parmesan, and spaghetti marinara. When his belly was full, unlike Andre 3000 Benjamin, he tipped well.

Since most of his crew is probably not vegetarian, wonder if it grosses him out to watch them eat when he’s out with them?

While dating “Desperate Housewives” star Nicollette Sheridan, a source said he tried to get her to stop eating meat and that it “grossed him out” to watch her eat lamb chops.

Of course, with the band it might be different. He’s not kissing them after dinner.

via Philly.com

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That Pesky Michael Bolton Eating Lobster Gossip

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

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Being in the business of celebrity news and gossip, we know there’s a chance that every time we publish something, there may be a tidbit or two that’s left out or somewhat incorrect as we get our sources from places that get their sources and the game of telephone is played.

But we do try to use good sense before hitting the “publish” icon in our blog platform. For example, if we read that Paul McCartney was standing on the corner, alternating bites between a KFC drumstick and a Big Mac, we’d know the story was full of you know what.

Soulful crooner Michael Bolton once was asked to name the silliest story he’s ever read about himself:

“That I was once at a party eating lobster and drinking champagne. They were trying to connect me with some woman, but for starters I’m vegetarian so I’d never be eating lobster.”

Yeah, Michael wouldn’t chow down on lobster or any Sebastian cousin for a woman. In fact, it reportedly “grossed him out,” to watch ex Nicollete Sheridan eat lamb chops.

What’s the next ridiculous material to be published? Gordon Ramsay turning vegan?

via Mirror.co.uk

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Add another Hollywood couple to your “split” list. Singer Michael Bolton and Nicollette Sheridan of Desperate Housewives, dated in the 90s-then split. They got back together and made plans for a wedding in 2006-but have split again.

We wonder if there was another woman involved. Like Mary, the little lamb.

A couple of years ago, a friend of the couple said that Bolton was trying to convince Sheridan to stop eating meat because “watching her eat a lamb chop grosses him out.”

Apparently, Sheridan began making changes to please her man, but it may not have been easy.

By the way, what is the best way to convince a Hollywood actress to change her diet?

“He convinced her that it will keep her caloric intake down.”

via Female First and SF Gate

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