Quantcast Vegetarian StarIan Somerhalder

The Vampire Diaries fans will be happy to hear that season 5 of the popular CW series starts on October 3 and that the season 4 DVD series is already available!

Included in the series in a short feature on how to eat like a vampire, vegan options included.

Blood straight from the hospital is donated and the human still remains intact.

In the 3 minute clip titled “Blood, Boys, and Bad Behavior: Becoming a Vampire,” executive producer Julie Plec explains the three different feeding habits, sucking on blood donor bags being the most humane.


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Ian Somerhalder

Ian Somerhalder is taking a bite out of animal neglect and troubled children. The Vampire Diaries actor is building a sanctuary for both animals and children with behavioral issues on a farm he plans to buy in Louisiana.

Somerhalder, a recent recipient of the Humane Society’s Wyler Award, said the sanctuary will not only house animals, but employ children who’ve been accused of bullying to work with and care for the animals, hopefully leading to a change in behavior for both human and non-human.


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Ian Somerhalder

Cruelty to animals bites.

That’s why Vampire Diaries actor Ian Somerhalder is doing his best to put his teeth into those who abuse them through a new campaign at Change.org.

The campaign was created by Somerhalder’s foundation, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, which the actor founded to draw awareness to environmental and animal issues. It seeks to reform The Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act in British Columbia, some parts of which have not been revised in 100 years.

The ancient laws provide no regulation for businesses that work with animals. It was a recently infamous incident involving an employee that helped shoot and kill 100 sled dogs because tourism was slow that motivated Somerhalder.


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