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NFL Pro Bowl - AFC-NFC PracticePETA wouldn’t take him, but the Humane Society of the United States has graciously offered to work with Michael Vick.

Vick is set to join the HSUS campaign against dogfighting.

From the Humane Society President and CEO Wayne Purcell’s blog:

“He said this experience has been a trauma and he’s changed forever. And he said he wants to show the American public that he is committed to helping combat this problem. He asked for an opportunity to help. I want to give him that opportunity. If he makes the most of it, and demonstrates a sincere, long-term commitment to the task, then it may prove to be a tipping point in our campaign to eradicate dogfighting. If he demonstrates a fleeting or superficial interest, then it will be his own failing, not ours. Our campaign will march forward regardless. It’s up to him, and we at The HSUS reserve judgment until he demonstrates that he’s part of the solution rather than a further part of the problem.”

The Humane Society has a dogfighting intervention program, which involves educating youth in at-risk inner city areas on the proper care of dogs.

Will this relationship between Vick and the HSUS last? For the sake of the pit bulls and the youth who admire Vick, we truly hope this interest in change is more than superficial.

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Michael Vick And PETA Are Best Friends Forever-NOT!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, May 6th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.

SPORTS: NFL: Pro Bowl - AFC-NFC PracticeAh, rumors. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright outrageous.

Like the one about Michael Vick and PETA being chums now and he’ll be starring in one of their provocative advertisements.

Not true at all. 

PETA withdrew its offer to team up with Vick for TV spot. Why the cold shoulder from the animal loving group?

Oh, just some Vick talk here and there stating he enjoyed placing family pets in the rings with fighting dogs and laughed as the dogs mutilated each other.

Yeah, you could call that quite an  irreconcilable difference. 

From PETA’s blog:

“PETA believes that this revelation, along with other factors in the report, fit the established profile for anti-social personality disorder (APD), so in January we called on NFL Commissioner Goodell to require that Vick undergo a brain scan and a full psychological evaluation before any decisions are made about the future of his football career.”

“What can I say? You can’t believe everything you read.”

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Bob Barker: Price Is Right For Animal Law Program At U Of Virginia

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 in Animal Issues, TV Hosts.

Bob Barker Tapes His Final Episode Of

Remember to spay and neuter your pets. And educate yourself on animal law.

Bob Barker has donated a million dollars to the University of Virginia Law school to help establish an animal law program, which includes a course on animal law and funding for guest speakers as well as a writing competition, according to nbc29.com.

Barker has long been both an animal rights activist and philanthropist, being an advocate for spaying and neutering cats and dogs and donating funds to other universities including Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke, Northwestern, Stanford and UCLA.

“There is definitely interest in animal law at the law school,” said the School’s Law Dean Paul Mahoney. “I think whenever you have a high profile legal case, it influences student interests, and certainly the Michael Vick case has raised awareness of animal law issues.”

If you’re a law student at U of V, you can start taking the course in the 2009-2010 school year.

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Ingrid Newkirk Talks Michael Vick, Breast Milk Flavored Ice Cream

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, October 24th, 2008 in Animal Issues, Authors.

PETA?s 15th Anniversary Gala and Humanitarian Awards - Show

We just found a fantastic Time Magazine article on Ingrid Newkirk where she answers 10 questions from people all around the country about PETA, vegetarianism, and animal rights, just to name a few.

Some highlights include her feelings about Michael Vick, who was sentenced to prison for his role in dog fighting.

“I have spoken to Michael, and I know he’s contrite. I believe when we see him emerge from jail that he’s going to have a strong message for inner-city youth,” she said.

She also addresses that ridiculous idea that Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream should start using breast milk in their products after discovering a Swiss restaurant had done the same.

“It isn’t very feasible at all, but it was great fun to suggest it to Ben & Jerry’s, who also knew it was a joke. What was serious was that television stations listened to our reasons why making anything out of cow’s milk is unkind. Calves are taken away from their mothers and used for veal. We drink the milk meant for those little calves.”

Oh, yes, of course…We TOTALLY knew it was a joke.

Go here to read the rest of the questions and learn how Ingrid and the folks at PETA have a million dollar reward to the first scientist who can come up with in vitro meat, meat grown from cells from a small group of animals in the laboratory, which means no more killing and more cleanliness. Quick, grab your geek friends from college and high school and find some way to convince them to do this and split the reward with you.

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