Quantcast Vegetarian StarCelebrities Film Farm Sanctuary “What Did You Do” Campaign (Video)

Several celebrities have partaken in a funny PSA for Farm Sanctuary’s What Did You Do? campaign meant to raise awareness on the cruelty of factory farming and teach consumers how they can make a difference.

Russell Simmons, Shannon Elizabeth, Fred Willard and Ashlan Gorse play enthusiastic PR folks in a conference who are trying to pitch their ideas to help people understand just how much life on some of these farms suck for animals.

“I get that you don’t want to shock people but the reality is shocking,” Simmons says.

Some suggested ideas to get the shocking point across include “Celebrity Pictionary,” that illustrates how chickens get their beaks cut off. However, that idea is deemed “over the top.”

So is the reality TV show where contestants go through the steps animals do while being slaughtered for food. Challenges include being electrocuted in water. Instead of cutting off their beaks, they can have their noses shaved off because that’s what people in Hollywood are doing now anyway.

Watch the clip and pick the best creative campaign to spread the message about animal cruelty.

Farm Sanctuary’s What Did You Do? runs until October 9.

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