Quantcast Vegetarian StarKesha On Animal Protection Laws For 2013 (Video)

Kesha On Animal Protection Laws For 2013 (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 12th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Female Singers, Videos.

Ke$ha has recorded a short video for the Humane Society of the United States where she discusses some of the major bills Congress is considering this year.

A vegetarian and recent recipient of the organization’s Wyler Award given to notable people who’ve made a difference in animal welfare, Ke$ha has made it a priority to educate and urge her fans about issues such as stray animals and shark finning.

Now she’s asking fans and animal lovers to learn about some major legislative moves that could seriously affect the lives and well being of thousands of animals across the nation.

“Now is the time to make animal protection a top priority,” Ke$ha says in the video above.

“This year, lawmakers will consider bills that are critical to animal protection.”

Some laws Congress will be addressing in 2013 include those involving harsher punishment for attending and taking children to dog fights, phasing out the use of chimpanzees for research, addressing criminal abuse of Tennessee walking horses and improving the conditions of egg-laying hens.

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