Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Taste” Has Vegan Food For Anthony Bourdain To Loathe

The Taste

ABC’s The Taste has the pleasure of showcasing not one but two vegan chefs this season.

Hosted by celebrity chefs Anthony Bourdain, Nigella Lawson, Ludo Lefebvre and Brian Malarkey, the reality cooking show that premiered on January 22, The Taste features all the usual drama of culinary competition–picking teams, food-related challenges and chefs that hate vegan food.

Christina Ross is a raw vegan chef from Venice Beach who wears a hot pink tutu.

She made a chocolate mousse with coriander, cocoa nibs and orange peel.

Ross believes Bourdain will never know he’s eating the vegan food she plans to entertain the judges with.

Bourdain is not yet convinced.

“How could I eat that?” Bourdain said of Ross’ dish. “I want to vomit with terror.”

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One Response to ““The Taste” Has Vegan Food For Anthony Bourdain To Loathe”

  1. Dyan Merick Says:

    I watch to see what other chefs are doing. I was disappointed by the comment, ““How could I eat that?” Bourdain said of Ross’ dish. “I want to vomit with terror.” What a closed minded jerk.