Quantcast Vegetarian StarCasey Affleck Pushes MA Prevention Of Farm Animal Cruelty Act

Casey Affleck Pushes MA Prevention Of Farm Animal Cruelty Act

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 30th, 2013 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Casey Affleck

Casey Affleck is backing a new initiative to improve the living conditions of millions of animals living on farms.

The Massachusetts Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act asks Congress to pass a law, “prohibiting veal crates, gestation crates, and battery cages, generally used to confine chickens.

Affeck wrote a letter on behalf of three animal welfare organziations–Farm Sanctuary, the ASPCA, and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals–advocating this change.

“Americans don’t see these things all that often, but if you YouTube them, they’re brutal and immoral,” he told the Boston Globe. “I know there are a lot of issues — children shooting children, people without jobs, education, health care — but I think we can address multiple issues at the same time.”

“I’d be happy to talk to legislators about this. Politicians are pretty smart people capable of considering all sides of an issue,” he said. “Look, if you had a neighbor who was keeping his dog in a teeny tiny space and he couldn’t turn around and was just sitting there and wasting away, you’d call the police and the guy would be charged. Why shouldn’t we treat farm animals with the same respect?”

Affleck, a vegetarian, has campaigned for several animal welfare causes over the years, including one for PETA that asks officials to reexamine dehorning calves in the dairy industry.

Photo: PR Photos

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