Quantcast Vegetarian StarBabyCakes App For Erin McKenna’s Bakery Available iTunes (Video)

BabyCakes app

BabyCakes, the New York-based vegan bakery popular with many vegan food loving celebrities and everyone else, has launched an app for Apple’s iphone and ipad.

The app contains videos, recipes and tips for creating some of founder Erin McKenna‘s most popular vegan and mostly gluten-free treats, including cookies, donuts, breads, pies, cupcakes and more.

In addition to hip music from bands like Cults, Bleached and Bubbles, the app has several foodie and other celebrities, including Mark Bittman, David Lebovitz, Kiernan Shipka, J Mascis, Christina Tosi and Brooks Headley making guest appearances by video and contributions to the cooking collection.

The app is $3.99 and now available for download at itunes.

See video below for more information.

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