Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Voted Off “Dancing With The Stars” (Video)

Pamela Anderson Voted Off “Dancing With The Stars” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 27th, 2012 in Actresses, Film & TV, Videos.

A vegetarian diet is all she needed to dance her heart out on Dancing with the Stars, but it wasn’t enough to save Pamela Anderson from being voted off.

The actress, longtime vegetarian and animal rights activists got the boot recently, first celebrity to be eliminated in the show’s 15 season, leaving her partner singer Drew Lachey, behind.

And there were so many episodes left to promote “Go Veg.” Sigh.

Anderson is quite active in the vegetarian and animal rights movement, posing in several ads for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and campaigning to end annual seal hunts around the world, especially in her country of birth, Canada.

Watch Pamela dancing her debut dance in the clip above.

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One Response to “Pamela Anderson Voted Off “Dancing With The Stars” (Video)”

  1. Erin Says:

    Kelly Monaco is vegetarian and I’m cheering for her this season