Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone For Farm Sanctuary Compassionate Communities (Video)

Alicia Silverstone is the spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s Compassionate Communities campaign.

The Compassionate Community is a place for animal advocates to receive mentoring to enhance their lifestyle choices that will result in better animal welfare. Members who sign-up receive support and resources to help them sharpen their advocacy skills, updates delivered directly to their inboxes and compete in challenges that involve activism.

“When people think about helping animals, they generally think about dogs and cats, but chickens, pigs, and other farm animals need our help even more. And science shows that farm animals are just as intelligent and interesting as our pets,” said Alicia Silverstone.

“Vegetarian advocacy allows busy people like you and me to spare the lives of thousands of animals every year without a huge time commitment. For example, you can spare at least fifty animals a lifetime of misery on a factory farm with just an hour of leafleting.”

Learn how you can advocate vegetarian eating and more as an activist at CompassionateCommunities.org.

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One Response to “Alicia Silverstone For Farm Sanctuary Compassionate Communities (Video)”

  1. All Things Vegan ~ Show Notes ~ September 11, 2012 ~ Author and activist Arthur Poletti reports: Israel goes vegan with Gary Yourofsky « All Things Vegan ~ Radio Says:

    […] Alicia Silverstone For Farm Sanctuary Compassionate Communities […]