Quantcast Vegetarian StarRoy Halladay Humane Society Spay And Neuter Pet PSA (Video)

Roy Halladay, pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, has filmed a promotional video for spaying and neutering pets for the Humane Society of the United States.

“As pet owners, we can help end the suffering of millions of dogs and cats,” said Halladay at the beginning of the video PSA. “Animal shelters struggle to assist the huge numbers of animal litters; many more suffer on the streets, never reaching the safety of a shelter. My family does our part in making sure our pets are spayed and neutered.”

According to a statistic from the HSUS, about 1 cat or dog is euthanized every 8 seconds because there are more animals available than there are people to adopt. That adds up to about 4 million cats and dog every year who never find homes.

“We are excited to be working with all-star pitcher Roy Halladay to spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. “Pet homelessness is a tragic problem that can be prevented if everyone does the right thing by spaying or neutering their pets and adopting from local shelters.”

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