Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaphne Oz Homemade Natural Insect Repellant (Video)

Daphne Oz

If you’re like most people, bugs bug you.

Not that you don’t love them. Not that you won’t fiercely campaign to protect their habitats and all, especially when they are being threatened by even bigger, nastier bugs like deforestation and harmful chemical pesticides.

But when it comes to living side-by-side, you’d rather the bugs stay on theirs.

Daphne Oz, host on The Chew and author of The Dorm Room Diet, has a formula for a natural insect repellent that’s safer for humans and bugs alike.

Artificial repellents with chemicals like DEET have been known to absorb in the skin and require careful monitoring when using to avoid overexposure, which can lead to a variety of medical problems, such as skin irritation or even neurotoxicity.

Daphne incorporates Citronella, a natural alternative to DEET, with essential oil producing plants like lavender and peppermint.

“What’s the one thing that can completely ruin a beautiful evening outside?” asked Daphne on a recent episode of The Chew. “A swarm of bugs.”

“Horrible, total mood kill,” she continued, “but if you’re concerned about the chemicals in store-bought insect repellents, I have a really easy and expensive all-natural alternative that you can make right in your own kitchen.”

Daphne’s co-hosts on The Chew  seemed to enjoy the product  as they lathered themselves up with her natural bug repellent.

Watch her demonstrate below and don’t forget to grab the recipe.

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