Quantcast Vegetarian StarGuy Vaknin “Hell’s Kitchen” Exit Opens Vegetarian Sushi Store

Guy Vaknin

Gordon Ramsay may not have been that impressed with Hell’s Kitchen‘s Guy Vaknin, as he’s the most recent chef to be sent home on the reality cooking television series.

That’s okay, because it that means vegetarian sushi for everyone soon!

Vaknin says he’s opening a store that will serves the flipper-less delicatessen next month.

“I am opening an organic, vegetarian sushi. I am opening July 1. It’s going really good and I have a great following on the store and the product,” he told Reality Wanted.

And now that everyone has heard of Guy, his phone is sure to be ringing off the hook with orders for rolls of seaweed minus the sashimi and veggies like avocado, cucumber and carrots.

“The show has given me a lot of publicity, which is great. I definitely want to give thanks to FOX for giving me the opportunity.”

“For the past year, I have been running the family company. We tripled in size in the past year, everything is going great. I had 30 cooks because I left the company and I am opening my own place, so I went on a new adventure.”

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2 Responses to “Guy Vaknin “Hell’s Kitchen” Exit Opens Vegetarian Sushi Store”

  1. Guy Vaknin Leaves ‘Hell’s Kitchen,’ Embraces Vegan Sushi | Ecorazzi Says:

    […] Via Vegetarian Star […]

  2. Guy Vaknin Says:

    Thanks so much for the write up! Please be sure to check out our website, http://www.BeyondSushiNYC.com, scope out our menu and visit us in store! For more up to date information please find us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and our new blog on WordPress!
    Chef Guy Vaknin