Quantcast Vegetarian StarRory Freedman Spends Day In Wheelchair With Vegetarian Artist (Videos)

Rory Freedman spent the day learning what it’s like to be paralyzed for Next Step’s “Wheelchair for a Day” challenge.

Freedman spends the day traveling with vegetarian artist Gretchen Ryan and one of the first stops they make is a trip to the yoga studio.

“Yoga is part of my everyday life and I was curious for myself to see, “If I were in a wheelchair, would I still have this part of my life that’s so important to me?” Freedman asked.

The visit was also an opportunity for Ryan to discover her inner yogi.

“Being in a wheelchair for 20 years, she’s only been to one yoga class in her life that a friend of hers was teaching. And I was excited for her to have this experience and to make it safe for her,” Freedman explained.

“I’ve always felt intimidated to do something like that [yoga],” Ryan said. “Doing it with Rory–[it] was really good for me just to have a buddy. The teacher was so kind to give us poses–almost all of them I could do with the class.”

There are several yoga positions that can be modified for those living in a wheelchair. Breathing techniques, cat stretch, cow pose and eagle pose are all positions suitable for those with lower limb paralysis.

Below are a few demonstrated examples of yoga exercises performed from the seated position.

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