Quantcast Vegetarian StarGreta Van Susteren Host Michael Vick On “On The Record” (Video)

Michael Vick established a relationship with the Humane Society of the United States after he was convicted for his involvement with dog fighting activities.

Since then, he and HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle have traveled across the country, making in-person appearances to teens in at-risk areas and appearing on national television shows to educate the public.

Greta van Susteren recently hosted Vick and Pacelle on her Fox News show The Record.

Here are a few highlights:

VICK: In the community I grew up in it was prevalent. It was something I was involved in and exposed to. A lot of the older guys exposed myself and others to it. So it was just something that we learned to do. I didn’t know whether it was right or wrong. We were just involved and never got any type of indication whether it was the right thing or wrong thing to do.

VAN SUSTEREN: You guys seem like an unlikely duo based on your history. I guess if you read the book, you stand you met him first in prison.

PACELLE: Mike reached out through some of his people and said he wanted to do some anti-dogfighting work with the Humane Society because we have the most developed programs on the law making and prevention side. Mike knows this. It was with a great deal of conflict I went out there, because our community and constituency was very down on Mike and what he did, understandably so.

The full transcript can be read at Fox News.

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One Response to “Greta Van Susteren Host Michael Vick On “On The Record” (Video)”

  1. herwin Says:

    By now Vick has poored a lot of time and energy (and continues to do so) by educating people about dogfights. Glad to see it wasn’t a fluke or a one-day kinda thing. Good job, Vick.