Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve-O Gets Reply From American Diabetes Association


Never mind the published data indicating eating red meat, processed meat and dead animal flesh in general significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes in men and women. Never mind the published data showing vegetarians are less likely to have diabetes as the cause of death than meat eaters.

The American Diabetes Association has responded to Steve-O boycotting its fundraiser event because meat was on the menu, basically saying, “It’s cool. Meat’s not bad at all.”

A representative from the ADA told TMZ “there is no rule that you can’t eat meat if you have diabetes — every person is different, and should be on a meal plan that works best for them.”

So if someone with an extensive family history of diabetes decides a diet of bacon and hot dogs–two meats highly linked to developing diabetes in one study–works best for them, does the ADA give a smiley sticker of approval?

Steve, who is a vegan, said serving meat at an event for diabetes awareness was like serving alcohol to recovering alcoholics and that he only agreed to go to the event because he thought it would promote a plant-based diet to prevent the disease.

Photo: PR Photos

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