Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaty Perry California Dreams Tour Benefits Humane Society With Tickets For Charity


The best part about summer? Summer concerts of course! The worst part about summer concerts? The excessive ticket fees for everything from parking to the privilege of going to the bathroom in a modern facility vs. the woods in the back. Wouldn’t it at least be great to know all that money you’re shoving out to see Katy Perry shake her hips is going for a good cause?

If you buy your tickets from Tickets for Charity, at least you’ll be helping out some great charitable organizations like the Humane Society of the United States.

When you purchase a ticket for Perry’s “The California Dreams 2011 Tour,” you can select an organization to receive a portion of the sales. Besides the Humane Society, other non-profits benefiting from Tickets for Charity shows include Generosity Water and the Children’s Health Fund.

We don’t know what we’re more excited about. The fact that Perry’s shows benefit the Humane Society or that she’s greening the tour rider, requesting veggies and hummus and eco-friendly reusable SIGG bottles.

Besides music, Tickets for Charity also offers sporting and theatre events that combine entertainment and doing good. To search for a Tickets for Charity event coming to you, visit Tickets for Charity.

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