Selena Gomez Vs. Pink–The Pink Horse Round (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 24th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Celebrity Tweets, Female Singers, Videos.
Animals and entertainment don’t always mix well, so when singer Pink heard Selena Gomez‘s music video for “Love You Like a Love Song,” involved painting a horse pink, she Tweeted her disapproval.
“If there are any animal activists around Malibu- at Leo Cabrillo State Beach, there are horses being painted for a stupid music video. Shame.”
But Gomez tells a different story. She says the paint was harmless and the event was overseen by an animal welfare agency.
One of Gomez’s reps told People:
“It was important to the Production Company, Record Label and Ms. Gomez that no animals were harmed and all proper precautions were taken.”
“A non-toxic, vegetable-based powder paint was applied via an airbrush and removed with water. An official from the Humane Society was on set supervising.”
Without even taking into consideration the paint, there is also the issue of where the horse was obtained. A company that regularly lends animals to entertainment that possibly treats them poorly or abuses them? Or an individual with a large piece of land where the horse freely roams around and enjoys the fresh air and sunlight?
Watch clips from the video to Selena’s song and form your opinion.
Photo: PR Photos
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May 24th, 2011 at 7:19 pm
Selena Gomez – another stupid spoiled teenager trying to be all over the spotlight.
Pink – pretty much a legend in the current music industry.
Gomez – paints animals for a music video; there is no logic or sense in painting horses.
Pink – had animals in her video to create awareness of the cruelties in the dairy and “entertainment” industries.
Pink wins.
May 25th, 2011 at 12:16 am
Selena Gomez used to wear fur coats but now only seems to wear (and promote) faux furs coats, and, she and her company make sure that the HSUS is present to make sure the horse is okay.
So in my opinion, she isn’t that stupid and has good intentions when it comes to our furry friends.
Pink, she great AR grrrrl, but in this case, come on, this is like firing a bazooka at the wrong musqito.
My suggestion for Pink is to send a box of vegan chocolates to Selena and apologize !
May 25th, 2011 at 1:18 pm
First of all, Pink is not a legend lol I appreciate her efforts to help animals, but her music isn’t any better than Selena’s.
Secondly, this seems a bit dramatic. I don’t see the difference between this and when people dye their dog’s fur pink with non-toxic (and vegan) dye. The horse was in no way harmed and it wasn’t like the donkey in L.A. that was tied to a post on a hot day, painted pink.
Besides, she’s just a young girl and I’m sure that the vision of a pink horse was a director’s not her.