Quantcast Vegetarian StarGiuliana Rancic Going Vegan After Reading Some Book By Some Vegan

Giuliana Rancic

Italian celebrity news personality Giuliana Rancic is on her way to becoming a vegan.

Being the good investigative journalist she is, Rancic has done some research on the diet through a few vegan books here and there. One slight problem though: She may have read so many vegan books she can’t keep track of them all!

From Style Bistro:

“I don’t eat processed foods if I can avoid them. I’m trying to become vegan one step at a time, so I’ve cut out red meat. Animal products wreak all kinds of havoc on your body, I’ve learned. I just read a book called Veganist, by Cathy Friedman. It’s such a great book, and it’s so true, about how all these diseased are brought on by animal-based diets. So I’ve tried to cut that out and we’ll see where that takes me.”

We know there is a book called Veganist by Kathy Freston. And a book called Skinny Bitch by Rory Friedman. In the midst of reporting on so many red carpet events, hosting E! News and producing Celebrity Rap Superstar, has poor Rancic forgotten which book she’s recently read?

Ah, it doesn’t matter. If the only problem is there are so many best selling vegan books on the shelves today you can’t help but mix them up, that’s nothing but a good sign.

Photo: PR Photos

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5 Responses to “Giuliana Rancic Going Vegan After Reading Some Book By Some Vegan”

  1. herwin Says:

    she isn’t vegan yet, and becoming one by cutting out “red meat” and after that maybe “all meat”, next “chicken”, next “fish”, next “seafood” , next “egg”, next “milk”, next “cheese”, next “honey”, my guess is she won’t make it. Too long a road.
    Also, now she reads a book about the unhealthy aspects of animal foods, next month she might read another book pro meat or “get pregnant and need the milk (=calcium)”, whatever.
    I mean, watching videos of animal factories is so much more powerful and much less easy to deny, after you’ve watched them.
    Anyway, i hope she proves me wrong 😉 that would really blast me away in a happy way.

  2. Tiff Says:

    I just hope she’s not one of those vegans who end up quitting because she’s “too thin” lol

  3. herwin Says:

    yeah, Tiff, good one. 😛 and wasn’t there a celeb vegan recently who did quit being a vegan for “health reasons” ? 😛

  4. veganbetty Says:

    I don’t know Herwin, I did baby steps: first red meat, chicken/turkey, fish, cheese, dairy, eggs and voila! I’ve been vegan for 16 years and have zero desire to go back. I think it’s easier for ppl to do baby steps. However, I am a hardcore AR activist so that might have something to do with. But Rory’s book is pretty damn hard hitting so if she read that, she might stick with it. Here’s hoping.

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