Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell Covers LYFE–Healthy Restaurant From Ex McDonald’s Exec (Video)

Jane Velez-Mitchell hosted two of the men behind a new chain of restaurants that will serve made-to-order, healthy food and include many vegan and vegetarian options.

Ex President and Chief Operating Officer of McDonald’s Mike Roberts recruited vegan chef Tal Ronnen to help create the menu.

Both men sat with Jane and answered questions from viewers about this exciting new concept.

As previously reported, every menu item will contain less than 600 calories. No butter, cream or high-fructose corn syrup is allowed. And nothing will be fried.

“I think more and more people today are really interested in eating less meat,” Ronnen said. “They have a hard time finding places to do that. “Working with LYFE Kitchen with Mike Roberts–who’s had so much experience with getting food out to the masses–is so exciting to me.”

“LYFE Kitchen–Love Your Food Everyday–it’s all about great tasting food,  it’s all about it’s great for you,” Roberts said. “And it’s all about choice. So from my standpoint, this is a natural extension of who I am, how I’ve been living the last 20 years. From Newman’s Own salads to fruit and yogurt parfait to apple dippers. And now, the next part in my life–LYFE Kitchen.”

The first LYFE Kitchen opens on August 15 in Palo Alto, California and almost every item available will have a vegetarian or vegan alternative.

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