Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlyssa Milano Hasn’t Changed Veg Diet During Pregnancy

Alyssa Milano

Pregnant veg ladies, you can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing one of your favorite vegetarian actresses is not giving into any meat cravings while she’s with child.

Alyssa Milano says her diet hasn’t changed since she became pregnant.

“I’m still craving boring things like broccoli and pizza, which isn’t much different from my normal diet,” Milano told People. “I’m a vegetarian, but I do eat cheese.”

“No outrageous cravings. My doctor just told me she once had a patient that drank pickle juice — I don’t have that!”

Vegetarian Star would be completely happy if the only thing “outrageous” Milano craved was pickles. As long as those pickles aren’t topping beef patties!

Cravings that are outrageous are one thing, cravings that defy your principles is another.  If you’re a preg veg fighting to stay away from White Castle or the barbecue grill, there are numerous things you can do to avoid giving into meat cravings, from eating  more often to avoid blood sugar drops to eating a balanced diet that contains lots of plant-based protein and exercising regularly.

Photo: PR Photos

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4 Responses to “Alyssa Milano Hasn’t Changed Veg Diet During Pregnancy”

  1. Karina Says:

    Yay! I love Alyssa Milano. I hope she doesn’t get her cheese from large-scale slaughterhouse producers, but at least from small family-owned farms.

  2. Obsessed With Animals Says:

    That’s a great news.
    As Natalie Portman is the biggest disappointment at all, not only she turn her back at only vegetarianism (as vegans are the cruelty-free ones) but she is making people believe it’s dangerous to continue by being pregnant.

    All nutrients exists in other sources, eating meat is just an excuse.

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